World region TOP SPORTSBOOKS: Slovakia

Best five sportsbooks and current promotions for Slovakia.

Region top 5 sportsbooks

five stars

DOXXbet patrí medzi popredné spoločnosti v oblasti športového tipovania a zábavy na Slovensku. Viac ako 20 rokov prináša tipérom služby v oblasti športového tipovania a zábavy. Zameriava sa na novinky, kvalitu, šírku ponuky, na moderné technológie a aplikácie. Športové tipovanieV športovom tipovaní a zábavnom priemysle je DOXXbet jednotkou v počte…

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2.SK Fortuna
five  stars

Fortuna Entertainment Group was established in 2009 and is the largest Central European betting operator. From an originally Czech company, it has grown over time to a holding company, which currently also operates on the Slovak, Polish, Romanian and Croatian markets. The group is constantly investing in the development of…

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four and a half stars

You are looking at the world's favourite online spots betting company. With over 45 million customers worldwide, Bet365 was founded in the year 2000 which gave jobs to over 4,300 people. We are licensed & regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA). Aside from sports, we also offer first-class casino,…

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four and a half stars

NIKÉ...Prvá slovenská stávková spoločnosť – založená v roku 1991, je najstaršou a najväčšou stávkovou spoločnosťou na Slovensku. S tržbami viac ako 400 mil. eur ročne, tisíckou zamestnancov a sieťou presahujúcou 900 pobočiek sa radí k najväčším firmám regiónu. Rodinná firma č.1 na Slovensku v hodnotení FORBES 2018 je pod vedením…

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four stars

Betfair has been the world’s premiere sports betting exchange since 2000. They entered the global fixed-odds Sportsbook marketplace in 2013 and quickly became a favourite for recreational punters. Today’s Betfair Sportsbook is one of the world’s biggest online sports betting providers in the world with over 950,000 customers from more…

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Question 3 and I will make it just a little bit longer for testing OK?

And there is a longer answer here. And there is a longer answer here. And there is a longer answer here. And there is a longer answer here. And there is a longer answer here.